Welcome to the website of the Albany Taxi Charity, do come and have a browse, maybe donate some cash along the way for this very deserving cause.
Our Sponsors
Albany Taxi Charity is grateful to the following for their generous support to our cause.
London Taxi Drivers Association Website
UNITY SUPPORT RIDERS providing motorcycle safety escort and support to on road charitable events.

Albany Taxi Charity wish to thank The Big Yellow Storage Company for their support, For your storage needs click the following. Link to Big Yellow Storage

We are grateful to Ascotts for their continued support, for the Run To The Sun (Hastings) Link to Ascotts Group Call us on 0208 692 1122
We would also like to thank the Friends of the Albany Taxi Charity (Hastings)
The Albany Taxi Charity started in 1972 by a group of London Licensed Taxi Drivers. The Charity has been going ever since. Their aim was to take some special needs children for a day out at the seaside for some fun and laughter.
Charity Reg No:- 274141 albanytaxicharity@gmail.com
The first event started as a one off to Margate with 72 children and 36 brightly decorated cabs. These Taxi Drivers started to meet regularly in premises in the Albany Road, hence the name of the charity.
Over the coming years more and more Taxi Drivers wanted to join in. The Charity decided that there could be two trips a year, one to Margate and then another to Hastings, so in 1992 our first trip to Hastings was organised by Bob Baylis, Gina Sexton and George Payne and the 1066 L.V.A. Publicans who raise funds at their pubs throughout the year, now sponsor this event.
In 2004 the charity received a letter from another charity that caters for the needs of children from Chernobyl, Russia who visit England, asking about these children visiting the seaside, the Herne Bay Catholic Club offer to sponsor the whole day.
Over the years the Albany Charity have taken children with special needs and their carers to places: Thorpe Park, Chessington and visits to Pantomimes. Besides outings the Albany Charity have also bought Televisions, Stereo’s, Sound Equipment, Karaoke machines, Trikes, Wheelchairs and Special Bikes for these schools.
Jim Pullum Chairman E-Mail Chairman
Steve O’Hagan Vice Chairman/Schools E-Mail Vice-Chairman
Angela Roney Secretary/Events/General E-Mail Secretary
Kenny Healy Treasurer/Marathon E-Mail Treasurer
Ray Ali Driver Liaison
Steve Vernon Driver Liaison
Gary Mankelow Events Co-ordinator E-Mail Events Coordinator